Rediscovering their true self.

The manufacturing company had been a family run business for much of their 100 hundred years. They had fallen on tough times the past 20 years. Their geographic area does not have a lot of wealth or options for employment. Many of their employees felt stuck. The divisions were split up and sold. What could not be sold was sold to a private equity firm that was in it for the short flip. They sought to get as much out of the company as quickly as possible. They mistreated employees and vendors, severely damaging the family atmosphere that had been present for generations.
Ultimately, they sold to another private equity firm that chose to invest in the people. The new private equity firm had a strategic thinking mindset and called on FS/A. We were asked to implement strategies that would bring life back to this firm. Surveys and interviews were conducted to determine what was needed most. What was missing most was valuing the team members and respecting them as people who care about the future of the company.
New leadership was put in place, committees were established to help understand how this new culture of respect could infiltrate all corners of the organization. It is working well and continues to be a work in process.
Metrics for signs of success in the organization are all trending in a more positive direction compared to the 12 months before this strategic implementation.

6.3 Team Building: The Power of Relationships
Great teams are built on great relationships among the team members.
6.1 Great Teams: Core Identity Essentials
In organizations, real power and energy is generated through relationships.