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Assessing “A” Player Peak Performance

Assessing “A” Player Peak Performance
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Performance assessments illuminate the gap between a team member’s current performance and Peak Performance. Team members have a gut feeling about their performance level, but they do not know what they do not know: the gap in Peak Performance and how to close that gap with support from leadership.

In our blog post last week, we described the “A”, “B”, and “C” categories that can be used to describe team members in the workplace. Our “A” team members role model each component of the evaluation. Our “B” team members can close the gap and be role models with support available. Our “C” team members may be in the wrong job or garden to thrive. Caring for them is helping them thrive in another position, perhaps in another organization—and all are winners.

The Components of the Peak Performance Equation

Most performance reviews focus on Job Competency Fit, which is objective and easier to assess. Assessing Organizational Culture Fit is uncommon, as it is subjective and requires more time and thought. However, our clients rave about the increased return on investment when they take the time to assess Organizational Culture Fit and Behavioral Fit.

Organizational Culture Fit enables the flow required for sustainable Peak Performance. The team member is honoring the shared Core Identity, and there is a natural fit to align with the organization’s:

  • compelling Purpose
  • inspiring Vision
  • shared Guiding Principles

Job Competency Fit identifies strengths the team member needs to do their job:

  • talent – the gifts we are born with
  • skill – the learned ability to do something well
  • knowledge – the pertinent information required to be effective

Job Behavior Fit illuminates how the team member makes others in the organization feel and includes these components:

  • passion for their work
  • positive energy
  • appropriate behavior when under pressure for their job

From a client CEO in the professional services industry

“You bring in someone talented but maybe doesn’t fit the culture, and it’s like, perhaps they’ll work out, maybe they’ll fit in . . . but then you realize problems arise because you were not clear about what kind of people belong; there was no clear distinction. Once you define who you are at your best, you recognize out-of-bounds, you don’t allow violators to play, and you don’t get in trouble.

“We have had five-star talent who all they wanted was self-promotion. I’d rather have three-star talent that wants to grow.”

Clients share that the Peak Performance Equation for Team Members exemplifies the power of their disciplined Core Identity, their “why” and their “how.” As a result, performance evaluations are objective growth experiences that the leader and the team members grow from and no longer fear.

When the Peak Performance Equation for Team Members is used in hiring, the right candidates are impressed, and they appreciate a depth of questioning that is different from their usual experience.

As you develop and hire “A” team members in your culture, your garden attracts “A” players from other organizations who know they are good but are not thriving. The disciplined use of the Peak Performance Equation for Team Members creates winners on all sides, ensuring sustainable success.