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Leadership Attributes for Sustainable Success: Introduction to the Series

Leadership Attributes for Sustainable Success: Introduction to the Series
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This post introduces our series on the four attributes found in leaders of sustainably successful organizations. We look forward to hearing from you about leaders you have encountered who exemplify them.

Many factors enable organizations to be sustainably successful. The market, economy, product, and team all impact how long an organization will be successful. The common influence on all of these is leadership. How leaders act and enable others to act determines the organization’s viability through the good times and the bad.

Interestingly, the four attributes found in leaders of sustainably successful organizations are the same ones we have found to be most energized by our executive coaching. The four attributes are:

  • Curiosity – a desire to learn, grow, and understand to be a better person tomorrow
  • Servant Mindset – a desire to positively impact the lives of others
  • Authenticity – building trust in all words and actions
  • Love – a clear, deeply felt caring for others

Over the next four weeks, we will explore in depth each of these four attributes.

Who are the leaders you have experienced that exemplified one of these attributes so well they can be looked upon as a role model for that attribute?

We look forward to going on this journey with you.

#Leadership #Curiosity #ServantMindset #Authenticity #Love #ShiftFromMeToTeam #SustainableSuccess

October 17, 2023