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What Qualities Does a Good Attitude Comprise?

What Qualities Does a Good Attitude Comprise?
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We can quickly tell whether someone has a good attitude or a bad attitude. But what are we seeing and feeling? What characterizes a good attitude?

Healthy Self-Regard

While humble and imperfect, those with a good attitude like their life journey. They know that evolving into the person they desire to become is an ongoing, endless process, but they will get better as they more deeply understand the path they are meant to be on. Their self-talk is caring and supportive, even when they are initially unclear about what to do.

Positivity, Gratitude, and Abundance

These people see the good in others and believe that the more we share our gifts, the better it makes us feel—and somehow, more is returned to us. Their self-talk is positive, even when they have made a mistake: “That was a learning experience I will not need to have again!” They are grateful for the challenges put in front of them, believing those tests prepare them for bigger and better opportunities in the future.

Humility with a Growth Mindset

A good attitude facilitates constantly learning and growing to become more fully who they are meant to be. Yes, these people have knowledge and experiences, but they do not pretend to have all the answers, and they do not take themselves too seriously. They are humble in that they know what they see is their perspective, and the search for solutions and answers would be enriched by the insights of others. When things go badly, as well as when things go well, they seek to learn and grow from the experience. They accept and appreciate others’ feedback on their performance, while owning the responsibility for what they feel is helpful for their purposeful journey.

Proactive, Yet Patient and Resilient

Those with a positive attitude take chances to make things better; they do not wait on others to initiate perceived needed changes. They appreciate timing, understanding there is a time for all things to mesh and come together most effectively. When hit with a setback, they re-engage with energy to overcome the challenges time and time again, with faith that their efforts will be worth it in the long run. They are focused on their vision for the future and have a meaningful purpose.

Self-Aware and Caring

They understand how they make others feel, and they strive to be respectful of others. They know their shortcomings and take responsibility for actions that may offend others.

What are the most essential attributes of people with a good attitude?  Are there any you are working on? Please share your stories as others learn the confidence to try, learn, and grow.

Next week, we will explore the question: Can we see how our attitude has an impact on ourselves, as well as on those closest to us?